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La petite balle jaune

Bibi Jean
Bobby Jean
Blind Boy Grunt
Kyle William
lost in the flood
Jack of all trades
Angie Gennaro
Alex Terrieur
jimmy j@zz
CC Rider
37 participants

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  mathis Mar 3 Sep 2013 - 13:34

et bien mes cocos !

Y a un moment dans la vie où y en a marre.
Marre de se faire coller 15 fois en 1/8e de finale, surtout quand on donne tout (cf Match contre Wawrinka à Paris il y a deux mois).
Marre d'avoir des tableaux de m...ou pas un des favs de son secteur ne tombe alors que c'est l'hécatombe partout ailleurs (Del Potro, Nishikori, Dimitrov, Janowicz, etc)
Marre d'avoir été si bon et d'avoir mis tant de branlée pour en recevoir bien trop au niveau professionnel.
Marre de porter des petits polos.
Des petites casquettes.
D'avoir des bonnes manières.
De plus pouvoir rouler tranquille une pelle cocainée à des Samantha(o ?) de passage.
Marre qu'un maniaque sur le forum Springsteen soit toujours derrière vous à râler Smile

Marre donc, au point de balancer ses vieilles chaussettes pourries en plein milieu du court.
Parce qu'un set vient de filer injustement dans la besace de l'autre.
Donc : chaussettes sales !

Comme un cri de révolte !!!

Et apparemment (puisque hélas, mille fois hélas, je n'ai pas vu ce match, terminé à 5h du mat chez nous) ça a envoyé sévère !
Au point que Gasquet a même sauvé une balle de match dans le 4e.
Et fait le forcing offensif sur la fin

Quelle belle victoire !
(bon, y a Ferrer derrière M....pourrait pas y avoir Hewitt ou Robredo ?)

En tous cas, ça fait plaisir, parce qu'il le mérite vraiment, et que sa saison est quand même bien meilleure que les précédentes.
Il aura réussi à faire "sauter le barrage" après un match un peu "titanesque" (bravo à Raonic aussi, faut être deux pour faire ça)

Et c'est ce qu'on aime finalement : ces grandes empoignades.

Dont Robredo nous prive (ou plus exactement Federer, complètement azimuté en ce moment).
Car une night session Nadal-Federer (qui ne se sont jamais joués à l'us Open), à New York, dans une ambiance de folie, en plein milieu de tournoi, dans un match de légende à la Agassi-Sampras 2001 (leur meilleur, car joué de nuit, dans ces conditions si particulières), ça valait son pesant de cacahuètes.
Une sorte de rêve qui s"effondre.

Messages : 2654
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Lyon
Album préféré : Nebraska

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  jimmy j@zz Jeu 5 Sep 2013 - 21:22

'tain Ritchie en demi pas un seul comment  ! La petite balle jaune - Page 29 2144456305 

La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Article_gasquet-victoire

et maintenant Nadal ??? La petite balle jaune - Page 29 180154684 

jimmy j@zz
jimmy j@zz

Messages : 1340
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2011
Localisation : Paris
Album préféré : Born In The USA

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty La revanche des techniciens

Message  mathis Sam 7 Sep 2013 - 14:08

....parce qu'on est encore tous émus JJ ! Smile

magnifique match de Gasquet contre Ferrer mercredi : une splendeur technique, doublée d'une motivation sans frein.
J'ai apprécié : j'ai vu Gasquet jouer comme j'en rêve depuis 2005 (année où il jouait comme ça, mais avec insouciance plus que par ambition, et où il allumait sévère).

Plus globalement, et avec la victoire le lendemain du magnifique Stan-la-classe sur le VILAIN Murray (bonjour le KO 6/4 6/3 6/2)
on peut dire qu'on se retrouve aujourd'hui avec deux belles oppositions de style pour les 1/2 finales avec les bulldozers Djoko et Nadal et les orfèvres suisses et français.

Personnellement, je suis ému aux larmes (oui Smile) de voir ces deux superbes joueurs s'immiscer dans un pré carré confisqué depuis bien longtemps par les bétonneurs (hum....Smile SmileSmile)
Avec comme symbole de ce raffinement, de cette "différence", la façon de frapper le revers : à une main messieurs !
Car à part Rodger, tous les mecs du top 10 allument méchamment de ce côté là aussi, façon batte de base ball à la Courier, ou grill lifté façon Chang.

Berdych, Ferrer, Del Potro, Tsonga même, puis tous les autres autour, tout le monde attrape la poêle à frire à pleines pognes côté revers. Même Agassi jadis, merde Smile

Car il faut en avoir dans l'avant-bras, dans la hanche et dans les épaules pour se payer le culot, le luxe, la classe de frapper un revers à une main. Comme par hasard les 3 meilleurs revers sont ceux de....Federer, Gasquet et Wawrinka.
Car, oser la frappe en revers à une main, c'est quelque chose.

Alors, oui, je suis heureux aujourd'hui, car c'est un peu un certain esprit du jeu qui triomphe !
je le dis vite, avant les matchs de ce soir qui verront Wawrinka et Gasquet cumuler à eux deux environ 18 à 20 jeux contre les ogres (pronostic perso : ça va être la boucherie. Car dans ce monde impitoyable, les battes de base-ball font toujours plus mal que les plumes acérées....)

Dernière édition par mathis le Sam 7 Sep 2013 - 19:34, édité 2 fois (Raison : mauvaise formulation de ma pensée.)

Messages : 2654
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Lyon
Album préféré : Nebraska

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  CC Rider Sam 7 Sep 2013 - 16:26

Autre chose à remarquer lors de ces 1/4 et au delà lors des 1/8e: l'âge moyen des joueurs présents, tous bien matures.
Pas de petits jeunes et un Gasquet enfin au niveau physique (2 ans de boulot pour en arriver à cette caisse physique et le fait de pouvoir enfin chercher un Ferrer-en baisse-sur un match magnifique et accompli).
Wawrinka c'est quand même le type qui était à moins une d'aller chercher Djoko en Australie lors du meilleur match vu cette saison.
Donc vachement cap d'aller chercher Djoko.

Plus cap en tous cas que Ritchy face à Nadal.
C'est tout simple: si Nadal est à 100%, il n'y aura malheureusement pas de match au delà du premier set.
S'il est un peu en dessous, ce qui m'étonnerais, on verra peut être Ritchy le taquiner un peu.

Let's hope!! bounce bounce

Dernière édition par CC Rider le Dim 8 Sep 2013 - 8:46, édité 1 fois
CC Rider
CC Rider

Messages : 6876
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  mathis Sam 7 Sep 2013 - 18:39

et bien, il se défend sacrément le suisse !
1 set partout, et 3-3 dans le 3e : il va plus rester beaucoup de jeux à marquer pour Gasquet contre Nadal si j'en crois ma prédiction ! (heureusement que je dis souvent n'importe quoi Smile)

Waw aurait pu mener 2 sets 0 mais le break a réveillé le tigre serbe : et maintenant, bon courage (mais il tient bien le bougre !)

le 1/4 de l'open d'Australie etait un des meilleurs matchs de l'année : avec (selon moi) Djoko-Nadal à Roland, ainsi que Wawrinka-Gasquet à Paris également.
Tiens, tiens, nos quatre 1/2 finalistes ici !


Messages : 2654
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 46
Localisation : Lyon
Album préféré : Nebraska

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  CC Rider Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 14:03

CC Rider a écrit:
L'édition 2013 démarre cette nuit et bien malin qui pourra donner un pronostic.
L'évidence c'est Nadal qui arrive lancé comme un avion, mais l'évidence n'a pas cour(t)s à New York.

Pour l'instant ça ressemble un peu à çà

La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Img17010 ça fini par ressembler à çà.

Les deux finales, femmes et hommes, ont été superbes et indécises.
Mais les vainqueurs étaient ceux qui étaient attendus, donc sans la "glorieuse incertitude du sport".

Il y a eu lors du match entre Djoko et Nadal quelques points d'anthologie dont un qui donnait le break à Djoko dans la seconde manche, long de 54 échanges et d'une intensité animale.
Pour aller à 4/2.
Break fait, le Serbe a mis tellement de temps pour se remettre de ce point qu'il a immédiatement plongé physiquement et s'est pris un jeux de débreak blanc dans la foulée, avant de serrer le jeux et finir par reprendre le service de Nadal et gagner la manche. Très fort.
Et puis gros avantage pour Djoko dans l'attaque du 3e set.
Dominateur et tout et tout...
L'espagnol en ski nautique a attendu que la mer se calme avant de reprendre le contrôle et ne plus le lâcher.

CC Rider
CC Rider

Messages : 6876
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  CC Rider Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 15:03

Le fameux point à 54 é 1mn15.

Maintenant le débat est ouvert: est ce du tennis?

Pour moi, non.
1mn15 d'échanges en ligne, sans variations de rythme, sans attaques vers le filet.
De la cadence par des hommes cadences.
Admirable au niveau physique, pauvre au niveau technique.

Je ne suis vraiment pas fan des affrontements entre ces deux joueurs.
Au niveau variation de jeux, ils me rappellent le pire des Vilas Borg ou autre trucs monolytiques de la "grande époque".
Injouable sur la durée grâce au régime anti gluten ou pro genoux gauche ou droit.

Il manque le champagne dans ce régime... Smile
CC Rider
CC Rider

Messages : 6876
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty @

Message  Invité Mar 10 Sep 2013 - 15:16


Dernière édition par theo le Mar 17 Sep 2013 - 14:28, édité 1 fois


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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty tare ta gueule...

Message  CC Rider Mar 17 Sep 2013 - 10:56

période creuse sur le circuit, entre deux.
Les GC sont finis, reste la course aux masters avec ses enjeux financiers monstrueux pour les participants.
Et 2/3 incertitudes (Federer y sera t'il? Nadal ou Djoko n°1? Tsonga va t'il Tsonger? Ritchy va t'il confirmer la rumeur de sa liaison adolescente avec super Marion?), mais globalement c'est roue libre agrémenté de 2/3 petits cols sous forme de masters 1000, 500, 250 ou rien du tout.

On est dans les infos périphériques et cette semaine est, entre autre, alimentée par la publication par Thomas Drouet, l'ex sparing partner du jeune Australien Tomic. Ou punching Ball du père du jeune espoir.
C'est selon.
Il est aussi le monsieur qui a entrainé Marion B lors de sa quinzaine victorieuse à Wimb achevée par le fumage de la surface verte anglaise et l'été space de celle ci...

En tous les cas c'est édifiant cette histoire et souligne à quel point sur le circuit pro, les relations avec les entourages, les parents de progénitures promises au plus bel avenir, est carrément un truc de fou.
Histoire transposable avec les divers tonton Adil ou autres.

A lire comme un roman noir dont le déroulé, semaine après semaines, tournois après tournois, laisse songeur. On y parle coup de poing dans la tronche, affrontements père/fils à coup de feu, comportement de tarés complets, menaces physiques, radinerie d'arriviste, talent tennistique aussi, car lepetit Tomic est doué.....
Au bout de la bêtise, on y prend aussi Morphée et ses bras pour une pute russe.

C'est en Anglais, car paru dans la presse Australienne, pays ou Tomic est un peu leur M`Vila à eu.

La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Le-4-m10

Bernard Tomic's former training partner Thomas Drouet has revealed what life was really like under John Tomic in this diary extract.

November 2012

A 27-hour trip and I am feeling really jet-lagged. I barely arrive and there is a fit of anger from John because Bernard is playing on his PlayStation.

We are here at the Gold Coast. The Tomics' house is beautiful and seems to be made up of two parts, one part for Bernard and one for John. There's an indoor swimming pool, a BMW X6M in the driveway. It's all really nice.

For the first two weeks there's minimum three to four hours training a day. John has multiple fits of anger during training. Bernard and John are always yelling. I am just very busy playing tennis, preparing drinks and muscle building, but the physical trainer from Barcelona, Salvador Sosa, arrives. He is very well known and respected on the circuit. This is a good team.

Almost immediately John abuses Salva on court because he dares to lean up against a wall. He makes him run after all the balls. Salva is in his early 60s but does as he is told. Bernard, too, tells me to run or stay home. If I win a point, he then plays 10 drop shots and if I don't run each time there's drama. The pressure is constant.


I miss my family, but I'm happy on the tour. Then John tells me there is to be a salary change. It's Christmas, but he tells me he is dropping my wage from Euro 1200 (about $A1720) a week to Euro1000. My food is also supposed to be paid for, but I have to pay for it myself.

"I pay you too much," John says. "If you don't want, you can go home".

I quit my job at the Monte Carlo Country Club as manager for the competition group and I can't go back. I don't know why this has happened. But John has more news. He tells me he won't pay me a wage for Christmas Day because we did not train. Salva and I tell him that's not the point, that we are here in Australia away from home and a salary is for each day we are away.

Bernard tells him to pay, maybe he will or won't, but I'm starting to think probably not.

I know now that I have made a mistake when I told John how I quit everything to be here. Now I sense John knows he has me, as I have nothing else to go to. But I have an ex-wife and a child and house to pay and I have to work.

I will keep going. It's still early days. It will get better.

One day after seven hours on court, John blows a fuse.

John asks me to play a set with Bernard. He tells me to play as hard as I can and to bug him as much as I can. He tells me that if I win more than three games in the set, he (Bernard) will run back home.

Caught up between my fear of John and my compassion for Bernard, I play the best I can for fear of retaliation and win the set. Bernard is furious with me, breaks a racquet and the father orders him to run home ... great atmosphere.


Exhibition tournament in Perth Arena and we are alone with Bernard; he wins his three games. John isn't there and it is a good atmosphere, good work. Bernard beats Novak Djokovic 6-4 6-4 in their Hopman Cup clash. Fantastic. It's just about tennis and not all the other stuff I have seen.

Bernard's regime is strict, whether it is eating or drinking. For preparation of the drinks, I must have 2 litres of specific mixes: in 50cl, 1.5 spoonfuls of XTEN, 2 spoonfuls of Endura, give Bernard two pills 45 minutes before the match, three big white pills 15 minutes before the match, during the warm up of a match, at the beginning (of a match) a blue sachet, then in the middle (of the match) an orange one. If the powder dosage is not exactly respected and the bottles not taken out at the last minute I get yelled down. I must put Bernard's racquets in a cold room before the match and pull them out at the last minute. They are breaking racquets all the time. If John doesn't like a racquet he just breaks it.


Bernard wins his first ATP Tour title. We all celebrate. Tomic wins, brilliant. There is a great feeling, everybody on a high and happy.

We are still in the tennis centre in the evening when John walks in and shows us the prize money paper. We think initially he is showing us as part of the celebration. Like, "Look at this prize money - yay!"

But no. "You see how much taxes I pay?" he says. "I give you too much money, I will pay you less". Our spirits drop. Unbelievable. He leaves us deflated.


The Australian Open and my girlfriend Sophie (Lombard) comes over and I have to lie and leave my hotel room in the evening at 11pm to meet her at her hotel and then get up before 6am to make sure I give Bernard his fresh orange juice in his room every morning.

I knock, he tells me to "f**k off", but I have to say, "Can you drink this and take your energy pills, please Bernard". As much tension in the team as ever.

John is like jealous or something. If I can slip out to see Sophie, I go like a spy to her hotel looking left and right to make sure John doesn't see me. How weird. Sometimes I can't go because we are still working. Tension, tension, always tension.

Every day, it's a new crazy scene.

Bernard is horrible during the training before the match against (Roger) Federer. He tells me to run, to play right, play left, treats me like a dog. Maybe it's the pressure.

I remember back on the Gold Coast, in the evening Salva and I would stick together, drinking a beer on the terrace, the only moment of calmness for both of us.

One evening, I remember we are chatting and we see Bernard coming down around 11pm. He tells us, "What the hell are you doing here, go to bed".

Then later on, Bernard tells us that he often escapes at night to go see his friends. We then understand why it takes 30 minutes to get him out of bed every morning.

Off court, Bernard runs into trouble with his Ferrari and the police; went out to night clubs every weekend.


THE Tomics arrive in Monaco and I must pick them up at Nice airport at my own expense.

Bernard, meanwhile, had partied like crazy after the Australian tournament season and when he comes back he has lost 2-3kg of muscles.

Salva and I see him, and "Oh my god, who is this?"

Bernard doesn't want to do anything now. Salva fights to get him to do sprints. I watch as they go to this long track near the courts. Bernard runs like he is at a marathon, just a slow jog. Mr 50 per cent. He is like a zombie.

It is now five days before the Marseille and Rotterdam tournaments. He has worked only for five days training, not enough.

Four months in and I am very stressed. I never know how John will behave from one day to the next. Every day you never know how he is going to react to something or how he is going to behave, maybe nice, maybe not. Always it's stress, every day stress.


IT'S cold, it's snowing and Bernard loses in the first round against Grigor Dimitrov. He is playing only 50 per cent because he is tired and didn't do anything after the Australian Open.

That night I go to John's room ... Salva, me and John - and John starts to cry. He has tears, he genuinely is upset.

"Bernard doesn't want me anymore, it's finished I might as well go home," he says. Salva and I console him ... inside, though, we want him to go home and we want Bernard to say this.

Every day, we think today is the day maybe Bernard tells him to go home.

We can't say that, but we wish it. We know the problem is John, but, as Salva says, if you do one mistake it will be to try to separate them. "Coming between them, you are dead, let Bernard do it for himself," he tells me.


JOHN blows a fuse because I don't go upstairs to fetch the suitcases and he threatens to leave me back in Monaco and to exclude me from the team.

Bernard comes down and says, "Everybody shut up".

He asks why I am out (of the team) and can't believe it is because I didn't carry John's bags.

If it isn't me, John attacks Salva.

But then suddenly it's like he forgets that. He then starts to tell Salva that whoever gets to Marseille before 7pm first, the other pays for dinner. Salva uses it as a joke to lighten the mood. John just makes for the car and starts to drive crazy. I don't know, 160km/h maybe. Really, really fast. He really wants to win.

We head for our rooms and John tells us to be back downstairs in 20 minutes to eat. John takes two whiskies and a main and dessert, then asks for the bill which is Euro150. He hands it to Salva and says "you lost the bet, so you pay". We know he doesn't have the money. I feel so bad, so when we are back in the room I give him 20 euro for what I ate, and Bernard, too, gives him 15-20 euro. Bernard didn't feel good either.

Early morning training and Bernard breaks a racquet because John is insulting him. It's all back to normal. John takes me apart because he saw me at breakfast with Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. He says, "Who pays you, Tsonga or me?"

Then he just disappears. I don't know what happened to John, but the day before Tsonga and after the match against Somdev Devvarman, John says we practice. Bernard does not want to listen to him.

John screams at me. "You don't play with him then, Thomas."

Bernard tells me to play.

I am standing there with a racquet and ball in hand and I don't know what to do. Bernard was telling me aggressively, "You play now". John is yelling at me, "No you don't play".

Then they yell at each other and Bernard starts whacking his racquet ... bam, bam, bam bam ... over and over on the court.


WE depart for Indian Wells and I am in charge of the logistics.

We arrive in New York, Bernard doesn't have the right visa, he talks down to the customs officers and is taken to the station for four hours. We miss our connecting flight.

Eventually he comes out and I negotiate with the girl at the desk, who puts us on the flight to Phoenix the next day.

Bernard tells us that we can sleep at the airport, that he has booked a hotel in New York and he is going to have a party with his mates.

Salva and I are stupefied as we are left to sleep on a chair all night. I take a photo. It's incredible.


JOHN buys a BB gun at a supermarket because he says he wants to go hunting. I laugh and say, "Okay, let's buy it". We go fishing, there is a big lake here and after practice we relax and fish then we just shoot dirt.

Then we come back home and Bernard says, "Who is the biggest man now, we are going to shoot each other". He says it as a joke.

John says I will do it, and he just pulls the gun and shoots him. He bleeds in his legs.

Then Bernard says, "Now you do it ... you do it or you are not a man." So John does it.

Then they shoot on Salva, too. Now they say to me it's my turn ... but I go to my room first and put four or five pairs of shorts on and then they shoot me, too, but I don't really feel it.

We make a video of it and it seems funny at the time. It's fun crazy.


BERNARD is supposed to train with Kei Nishikori but turns it into a scandal. He doesn't want to play with him, so he tanks it. They are doing this practice to find their rhythm, but Bernard just whacks it back, and he loses 6-1 in 10 minutes. Nishikori is really pissed off.

His coach tells me after we will never want to play with him again. Bernard doesn't like to practice with other tournament players.

Bernard is up against Andy Murray. It should have been a good game. Bernard starts well, but then misses the 40-15 break and after that he just lets go of the match.

I think 80 per cent of his defeats are either by abandonment (he gives up) or by injury, although his nickname is tank machine.

That's what people call him behind his back after John McEnroe said he tanked it against Andy Roddick during the 2012 US Open. Everybody jokes about him as "the tank".

I HAVE been many months with the team now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. There are good days and bad days but mostly unpredictable days with John Tomic regularly blowing a fuse and yelling at all of us.

It's hard for me but I want it to work in the team. We want Bernard to succeed and he is a good guy but it's difficult. John doesn't pay me enough and sometimes I even have to pay excess baggage on flights even though I am carrying Bernard's things. But I continue with them.

Then the worst news, my only real friend in the team Salvador Sosa tells me he is leaving after Miami. He can't stand the humiliations anymore and the screaming. John doesn't let him work the way he wants, John doesn't let him do what he wants and then reproaches him for things related to Bernard's physical condition.

Salva told me he has had enough of all of them. "I can't do this with them anymore," he told me. He said: "Twenty-five years in this tennis world and this is the first time I see something like this".

I feel alone, lost, with Salva leaving.

He has been my confidante and we helped each other because it was very hard for both of us every day. I just have to try and remember what he told me about keeping on going, being patient and staying calm but it is more and more difficult because I am doing more and more things for the team. Book flight tickets, play with Bernard, give him drinks, give him his tablets, prepare his protein, carry his orange juice for him every morning, book practice courts, string rackets, make the booking for flights for all the team. It is more and more difficult.

Bernard does some stupid things but he is young. But most of the time, behind his father, he has tried to protect me and Salva. Each time after his father screams at us or whatever he would come to us and say "no, okay I like you guys, it's good, I'm good with you, don't worry". When he was doing this, it was good but sometimes Bernard was nervous when John attacks me and Salva. John I think thinks it is three against one. This is why he loses control. Maybe Bernard worries about this perception too.

For John I think it is a control thing too.

I remember when we were at the Gold Coast right at the start of this, John would cut off the internet at home so that we couldn't use it. I thought it was strange. He didn't want to give us the password so we could use the internet. We did get it but only via Bernard's sister Sara. It was a control thing.

John saw that between Bernard, Salva and me it was like a team within the team. That's what I think now and why when we were in Marseille he disappeared was because he wanted to cut the link, he wanted to make Bernard think things were going wrong with us because he is not there. He wanted to make out we were losers.

It was the same even when I am not around. When we are at Monte Carlo, I sleep in my own house, not in their house like at the Gold Coast or with them together in a hotel. So John has no power over me like when we are in a hotel and he rings me every two minutes, just all the time, any hour to go here, do this, go there.

When I am at home, he knows I am with Sophie. This one time he rang us at home during dinner and tells me to go to him and pick up the rackets for the stringer the next morning. I tell him "but John there is no problem, I can collect tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, there is no problem and I am having dinner with my family" and he said "no take it now, take it now". So there I go. I think he doesn't like having less power and wants this constant control.


There is a new guy starting, Josko Sillic who has worked with them before and will now replace Salva. I have to take care of his flight and pick him up from the airport. John initially says he isn't coming to Monte Carlo and then turns up anyway and insults me for not picking him up at the airport. John is just very tense. For me though less is requested because I am at home.

We train well as a team even though every morning at 8am John blows a fuse.

One players' evening someone does a sketch about the "incredible Tomic father" and everyone one makes fun of him. John actually gets into fits of laughter but he won't be talking to the guy who did the sketch anymore.

The yelling continues. The other players and coaches can see how I have been treated in the past six months, most ask me how I can stand it. It's a fair question. I tell them that I can find strength because I have a partner and kids (Sophie has two children aged 13 and nine and I have a son Timothe aged four) and a house to pay. I also want to hold on until the end of the season if I can because I want to become better known on the circuit.

Not a good time. Bernard is defeated in the first round of Monte Carlo Masters by Alexandr Dolgopolov 6-2, 6-4.


Without John. What more can I say, mood is good. Bernard has an infected hair on his thigh but wins his first match against Kenny De Schepper in three set thriller. Goes on into second round against Juan Monaco from Argentina.

The next day Bernard doesn't play well and is defeated by Monaco 6-0, 6-2 in less than 50 minutes.

Josko is there with us in Barcelona and Bernard says after dinner if he can leave us to talk to me alone. I'm wondering what it's all about but then he shows me a YouTube video of some man telling a story about how to become successful and self-improvement. It was like a motivational video. It was so honest a moment to see Bernard show me this. I tell Bernard he can do this but he has to work harder if he wants to be successful and at the top of his game. "It cannot just be on your talent," I say as I tell him about my experiences playing with Rafael Nadal who so impressed me with his professionalism and rigour. He says "yeah you are right from now on I am going to practice every day, every day". I am really happy. I think maybe we find the solution and he is evolving. After an hour and a half of really honest talk he suddenly says "Okay Thomas now we go and party together and drink a lot to cement and celebrate these good words and we can start again on a healthy basis." I tell him "no, now we go to the arms of Morpheus, celebrate in Morpheus' arms", meaning we go to sleep.

Bernard just looks at me blankly and asks "who is Morpheus?". He thinks it is a girl at the tournament.


On the Monday before Madrid we are doing hard training for five minutes but Bernard is not listening to his father and John suddenly stops the training session. "Practice finish!" he yells. He tells me to leave the court and Bernard trains alone.

On the Tuesday we are on Court 10 and it is the same thing, John stops the training session this time 10 minutes in after Bernard tells him "you can sit on the bench, but don't talk, you don't give any advice, I don't need you".

John again says that practice is over and tells me to put my rackets in the bag. Bernard tells me to stay but John again tells me practice is over. I'm standing there not sure what to do. John tells Bernard if he doesn't want to listen then he will not play. Bernard comes to the net and John is screaming at him and Bernard answers back and tells him again to sit on the bench and not talk.

John is furious and then - pow! One punch. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, right there just in front of me. Bernard doesn't say anything but has tears in his eyes. John walks away and rests two rackets on an angle against the wall then snaps his foot down on them breaking them. Crack, crack - breaks both rackets and tells Bernard that he doesn't play tournaments now for three weeks and tells me to cancel all the flight tickets. Bernard sees this and then breaks his racket. My God, these people, it's crazy. Josko is picking up the balls and doesn't seem to see anything. I want to help Bernard because I can see the tears and he isn't saying anything and I really want to help him. I remember in Marseille I did tell him "you have to tell your father it's finished" and for me maybe no more tournaments, but it's not possible to see this all the time anymore. I can see even for Bernard he is stressed all the time because he never knows how John is going to react. I have seen so much of this now, almost six months and I am really sad for Bernard because inside I think he wants to do something but he can't. When he says to John "no you sit on the bench and not talk to me" you can see he is trying to say stop but John is manipulating him all the time.

Yes I broke Salva's rule not to get involved between father and son. In the beginning I just try to show him the way but don't say anything but then when I saw the punch I couldn't hold it in anymore. I tell Bernard "I know it's your father but do something you can't let this go on".

John was very nervous in Monte Carlo already thinking Bernard might tell him to go. Tension in the team is high.


On the morning of our departure for Madrid I drop by Bernard's to help John pack up his suitcases to avoid what had happened in Marseille. John is at the window and says "we don't need you, go buy some milk" and I answer "no we are going to be late".

Sophie must drive John and I to the airport because he doesn't want to pay for a taxi while Bernard and Josko are driven by a friend of Bernard's to the airport in Nice.

I arrive at the Tomics' place with Sophie at 10.20am.

At 10.40am John comes over to the car, mad with anger and insults me saying "why didn't you go buy some milk, why didn't you come upstairs to pick up my suitcases". Right there, humiliated in front of my girlfriend, I get out of the car and stand up to him and tell him that I can't stand him talking this way to me anymore. He treats me like a dog.

He blows a fuse, tells me I am not going to Madrid, that I am fired, that he won't pay me. Seeing that, my girlfriend gets out of the car, and says to him "so you made me come here, I have better things to do, my kids are home alone so get in the car now".

He goes off to phone someone and I wait five minutes to let things cool down. I take his suitcase and put them in the boot. Luckily it's a short drive to the airport.

Then a scandal at the airport's Terminal 1 and everyone is shocked by John as he starts again screaming at me and saying he is cancelling my ticket. After 10 minutes I go back to the car but I want to say to John what I think of him to him.

We finally take off but John starts again verbally abusing me on the plane. It's incredible.

"Okay we will sort this out physically in Madrid because you won't be in your country this time and we will see if you are that clever and outspoken," he says to me.

We make our way to the hotel in central Madrid. In front of the hotel John asks me to put my bag down and to follow him outside. We walk to the side of the hotel. I thought he was going to say sorry for the verbal abuse. He looks around all the time which I think is weird. There is no-one around. He tells me "tell me again what you said this morning". I tell him again about how he thinks he is such a "big man, a real man but okay John that's fine Bernard will pay me to be his partner". He spits in my face. I wipe the spit away as he walks away and I tell him again what a big man he is and he suddenly turns and head butts me. I remember yelling help as I fall.

He then continues walking back into the hotel reception as if nothing has happened. I am told later I am out unconscious for a few minutes and when I come too Josko is there as well as Alexadr Dolgopolov the tennis player. Someone has called police and an ambulance.

I am taken to a hospital in Madrid. It's all very confusing. I don't speak Spanish and I am there for six hours and they do tests, give me stitches to the nose but there is a pain in my cervical vertebrae that has me very worried.

Bernard comes to see me at the hospital with Josko, and tells me that his father has gone too far, and that he will put him on the plane the next day, and that he no longer wants the presence of his father by his side. He said he wants to be alone in the team with just Josko and me. I go to police later and file a complaint until 2am. The next day at breakfast there is a change of attitude and Bernard tells me that if I sue his father, he will be on his side and they can afford to pay for lawyers whereas I can't. He's probably right there.

The next day and we are all at court. I am alone, lost, no lawyer. My nose is taped up and I have a brace on my neck. Outside the courtroom John's lawyer tries to negotiate. There is talk of 3000 euros compensation. I refuse and John later backs off and argues self-defence.

I get an SMS message from Bernard who says he is sorry and he is sad for what has happened. I am surprised by the message, then another, then a third from Bernard, saying he wants to meet with me and my girlfriend in Monaco. As I get off the plane in Nice to make the drive to Monaco, Josko calls me and tells me "whatever you do don't go to this meeting, it's a set up, John is manipulating Bernard and (John) wants you to blow a fuse. I don't go to the meeting, no more news from Bernard.

I return to Monaco and have further tests, scans, seeing specialists, sports consultants and everything is more serious than I originally thought. I have a whole written report about the injuries. It's not good reading.

I am depressed now and I know I am not eating. I have lost five kilos in two weeks. Obviously there is no more work for me.

I decide to go to Roland Garros for the French Open and see if I can find a job. I read a story in L'Equipe newspaper about Marion Bartoli not having a coach and hitting partner. It would be a good to get a job with her team. She is fantastic.

At Roland Garros John is banned from the stadium grounds and when he tries to get in he is sent off.

Later at Eastbourne I come across John. I feel uneasy, I am fearful, I look behind me every 30 seconds. I tell the ATP and they give me a bodyguard to follow me discreetly from a distance. He is supposed to be banned but is here.


One evening I am walking and stop by the local Starbucks. At this point I don't know about the decision of the ATP. There I am on the phone and I can feel someone pushing the chair in front of me and sitting at my table. It's Bernard. He wants to talk to me. I am fearful and instinctively look behind me to see if John is there too. Bernard tells me he is unhappy with the ATP's decision and that the ATP should protect him. I think I am completely imagining this and ask him if he realises what his father has done. He has already forgotten that a month and a half ago I was laying on the ground in Madrid unconscious and covered in blood because of his father.

He apologises once more for what his father has done, but tells me it's his father and he loves him.

I tell him "OK you are allowed to love your father but at least admit to his mistakes". He agrees and he asks me how it is going with Bartoli. It is fantastic. I love working with her and her team. They are so professional and I realise this is how it should be. She is a wonderful tennis player, she listens and is always trying her hardest to improve her game. She has a fantastic attitude and outlook.

I just tell him it's fine. Then we shake hands goodbye, and I wish him good luck for the tournament. I feel he is relieved that he has come to speak to me and received a non-aggressive reaction. He seems relaxed.

I am carrying on with Marion and I think we work well together, peacefully and joyfully. She is a smart girl, lovely, and a hard worker ... it's a big change compared to what I was used to before. Her efforts and talent see her win through to the finals. I am being interviewed by the press for positive reasons now and not what happened with the Tomics. Marion wins the title. I could not be happier.

For seven months with the Tomics and almost every day it was like a nightmare. I am glad I have kept a diary because people don't know. I couldn't stand any more how he spoke to me. He had no respect for me. I think the worst thing for me was every day when I woke up I tried to do my best for Bernard and even with this he did not have respect, not one time "oh that's good", nothing. The more I did my job the less he paid me and the less respect he had for me. I would manage 90% of Bernard's daily schedule, John only came to the court to yell and tell his son he was a good for nothing.

I wish Bernard the best.

La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Jtm10
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CC Rider

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Message  Invité Mar 17 Sep 2013 - 13:11



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Message  TOF Dim 6 Oct 2013 - 11:38

Djoko vient de remporter Pekin en battant Nadal .... mais c'est Nadal qui sera numéro 1 dès lundi .... et j'avoue que je pige pas pourquoi ?
On peut m'expliquer ?

Messages : 1177
Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011

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Message  CC Rider Dim 6 Oct 2013 - 13:51

Un joueur voit son total de points évoluer en fonction des résultats qu'il obtient d'une année sur l'autre : être éliminé tôt d'un tournoi que l'on avait remporté l'année précédente coûte cher ; remporter un tournoi dont on avait vite disparu un an plus tôt rapporte gros. Nadal n'a pas joué le moindre match entre juillet 2012 et février 2013, chaque victoire acquise depuis juillet 2013 lui vaut donc un maximum de points.
Jusqu'en février 2014 c'est tout bonus pour lui. Après il aura des points à défendre.

CC Rider
CC Rider

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Message  CC Rider Mar 12 Nov 2013 - 12:29

La saison est finie pour tout le monde sauf les 5/6 concernés par la finale de la Coupe Davis le we prochain.
Dont le stakhanoviste Djoko.

Monstrueux hier soir le Djoko d'ailleurs, lors de la finale d'un tournoi du Master que j'ai trouvé relativement décevant, comme toujours.
Réunir les 8 meilleurs joueurs au lendemain de Bercy pour un tournoi qui devrait être l'éclate pour tout le monde, et bien ça n'est pas la bonne idée.
Cette période de l'année est la pire pour les joueurs, vidés par une saison interminable, et surtout pas tous au même niveau de réserves restantes ou d'ambitions.
Un joli événement avec plein de pépètes aux participants donc, mais, comme toujours, un peu frustrant pour moi.
La qualité de certains matches de ce niveau là, était affligeante (Federer-Gasquet ou Berdych-Ferrer), les demi étaient frustrantes.
Encore heureux que la finale ai été au niveau, mais sans suspens tellement Djoko a écrabouillé un Nadal tétanisé par la perspective de gagner enfin le master, seul tournoi ou titre majeur qui lui manque.

Saison finie donc, et classement définitif ATP de l'année 2013
1 NADAL RafaelESP13030-
2 DJOKOVIC NovakSER12110-
3 FERRER DavidESP5800-
4 MURRAY AndyGBR5790-
5 DEL POTRO Juan MartinARG5255-
6 FEDERER RogerSUI4205+1
7 BERDYCH TomasRTC4180-1
8 WAWRINKA StanislasSUI3730-
9 GASQUET RichardFRA3300-
10 TSONGA Jo-WilfriedFRA3065-
11 RAONIC MilosCAN2860-
12 HAAS TommyALL2435-
13 ALMAGRO NicolasESP2290-
14 ISNER JohnUSA2150-
15 YOUZHNY MikhailRUS2145-
16 FOGNINI FabioITA1930-
18 ROBREDO TommyESP1810-
19 SIMON GillesFRA1790-
20 ANDERSON KevinAFS1685-
21 JANOWICZ JerzyPOL1615-
23 DIMITROV GrigorBUL1520-
24 GULBIS ErnestsLET1393-
25 SEPPI AndreasITA1360-
Les deux premiers ont une avance qui les met à l'abri, sauf accident, pour un paquet de temps.
Au sommet, ces deux là n'ont pas fini de se tirer la bourre.
Derrière, Ferrer est indéboulonnable et solide à son poste, et la blessure de Murray va certainement laisser la place à Del Potro, en progression constante vers plus de stabilité, ces jours ci.
Federer a quitté le top 4. Normal après une saison pourrie comme celle qu'il a proposé.
Blessure, planning de merde et 2/3 défaites difficiles ont entamé le crédit du Suisse.
Mais un dernier mois d'effort avant les vacances a laissé l'impression qu'il fait tout pour revenir à un niveau décent, qui lui permettra de retrouver l'air des sommets peut être.
Plus jamais premier, ça me semble sûr et certains maintenant, mais qu'il nous amuse encore de son talent et sa créativité sera déjà pas mal.

Derrière la progression de Wawrincka est impressionnante: 17ème en début d'année, top 8 à la fin.
Vive lui et son revers magnifique.
Il est premier Suisse cette année, à défaut d'être le premier Suisse au classement ATP.
Et puis Gasquet récompensé aussi d'une belle et régulière saison, capable de gagner un set lors de chacun de ses RV au master la semaine dernière.
A son niveau enfin?
Avec encore une marge de progression?
On verra bien...

J'ai perdu une bière avec la 21ème place de Janowitz qui a qd même assuré joliment une suite à son Bercy 2012.
La grosse côte à venir est Raonic (Rahanic même), qui fini 11 ème. A 20 ans à peine c'est fort.
En plus il a sérieusment gazé en Coupe Davis aussi (demi finale)
Je hais son jeux et le voir jouer, mais j'ai bien peur qu'il faille s'habituer à le voir de plus en plus régulièrement lors des we de tournoi.

La suite c'est le couloir de janvier qui va amener tout ce petit monde dans les chaleurs australes

CC Rider
CC Rider

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Message  CC Rider Ven 3 Jan 2014 - 8:06

Roger a choisi Edberg comme entraineur et que cette association est magnifique sur le papier.
Il a donc décider de tenter de remettre certaines choses à l'endroit après une saison pas jolie jolie.
L'élégance, la classe et le talent associé.
Pour le concours de jeux de jambe et de volées caressées, ces deux la c'est quand ils veulent...

Allez...pour commencer l'année, un petit point magique du maître.
Un smash retro dos au filet.
Jamais vu çà avant pour ma part. La petite balle jaune - Page 29 830147096 

CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
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Message  Kyle William Ven 3 Jan 2014 - 10:14

Génial !
Roger sera toujours le Boss;
et l'association avec Edberg fait rêver…
mais n'est ce pas un peu tard pour repartir à l'assaut du filet ?
les autres vont affûter leurs passing-shots, non ?
et les surfaces sont tellement plus lentes qu'à l'époque d'Edberg…

Kyle William

Messages : 1152
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2011

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Message  CC Rider Ven 3 Jan 2014 - 10:34

...le fait que ce soit tard est indéniable, mais le fait que le maître cherche encore des solutions et se remette en question est une chose magnifique qui recèle un amour absolu du jeux.
De toutes façon avec la qualité de relance que propose Djoko, Mumu ou Nadal (pour ne parler que de ceux là), jouer en fond de court sera suicidaire pour le Suisse. Frustrant en tous les cas.
Alors pourquoi ne pas tenter de raccourcir les filières.
D'ailleurs à ce propos, le Suisse dans une jolie intv il y a deux jours lorsqu'il lui a été demandé ce qui se passerait s'il ne faisait pas service volée a rit en affirmant qu'Edberg démissionnerait immédiatement.
La nouvelle vague des jeunes pousses propose entre autre des joueurs à filière plus courte (Raonic ou Janowicz), peut être qu'une partie de l'avenir du jeux passe par là?

Intéressant de voir tout çà, car avec la densité du circuit et les nombreuses remises en cause dans le top 10 ce début d'année (Becker-Djoko, Federer-Edberg, Tsonga-Escudé, Gasquet-Bruggera), les chantiers sont nombreux et plutôt excitants.

A propos des surfaces lentes, il semble que l'open d'Australie ce joue sur un genre de patinoire cette année.
Pour Roger et sa tournée carte vermeil?
CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
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Message  CC Rider Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 12:26

Une semaine après le début de la saison et le premier GC de l'année, une fois encore il était annoncé les grands chambardements en ce début d'année.
On allait voir ce qu'on allait voir!! La jeunesse au pouvoir!!
Tous remontés comme des pendules à coup de Tweet annonciateurs de la tempête en cours et des tremblements de terre annoncés.

Que de la gueule ces jeunots! SmileSmile

8 1/4 de finalistes et tous dans le top 8, sauf 1, la seule "surprise", Dimitrov (alias Sharapov ou baby Federer) qui est donc l'espoir qui confirme sur ce tournoi à la place de Del Potro, arrivé calciné à Melbourne après sa victoire à Sydney la semaine dernière.
Il y en a un par tournoi, d'espoir, mais c'est jamais le même.
Celui qui présentera un peu de constance d'un tournoi à l'autre sera l'espoir "en chef", mais ils tardent à confirmer les petits.
Et les années passent.

Pour les Français aussi d'ailleurs. Et monsieur "j'adore parler de ma vie mon oeuvre et moi moi moi", l'ami Jowil, s'est fait sécher ce matin par Roger, comme Monfils s'est fait sécher par Nadal samedi ou Gasquet par Robredo. Tout cela alors que 25% du tableau en 1/8e était des joueurs français.
Un record absolu assez dingue.
Par contre dès qu'il s'agit de monter d'un étage encore, les chaussures deviennent lourdes et les excuses nombreuses.
Un mal récurent, une limite.
Celle du confort qu'offre les structures fédérales à tout ces jeunes gens bien nés?
En tous les cas une passivité en terme d'esprit de compétition qui fait perdre du temps à une belle génération, destinée à priori aux plus grands exploits.
Tsonga se regarde du haut de sa finale de 2008 et semble avoir atteint son nirvana à cette occasion là.
Le reste c'est de la com' digne de HH.
On s'endort...

Wavrinka est la grosse côte du tournoi, mais sinon la finale est tracée depuis le premier tour: ce devrait être Djoko-Nadal.
En 5 set et en huit heure et demi.
Chiant quoi.

CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  phil Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 13:11

la seule info de ce tournoi c'est que les sportifs peuvent supporter des températures que les semelles ne supportent pas
à la iron man
mon petit doigt m'a dit que le quatar se réjouit de cette info !  Very Happy 

Messages : 2942
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 55
Localisation : 71
Album préféré : The River

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Message  CC Rider Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 14:19

phil a écrit:la seule info de ce tournoi c'est que les sportifs peuvent supporter des températures que les semelles ne supportent pas
à la iron man
mon petit doigt m'a dit que le quatar se réjouit de cette info !  Very Happy 

Ca n'est pas nouveau çà Phil!
C'est chaque année depuis toujours en Australie.
Les anciens se souviennent peut être de Llendl habillé en Gérard Holz il y a quelques années??

CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
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Message  phil Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 14:52

CC Rider a écrit:
phil a écrit:la seule info de ce tournoi c'est que les sportifs peuvent supporter des températures que les semelles ne supportent pas
à la iron man
mon petit doigt m'a dit que le quatar se réjouit de cette info !  Very Happy 

Ca n'est pas nouveau çà Phil!
C'est chaque année depuis toujours en Australie.
Les anciens se souviennent peut être de Llendl habillé en Gérard Holz il y a quelques années??

enfin cette année il semble que c'est vraiment hot hot hot ?

La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Maria-10

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Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 55
Localisation : 71
Album préféré : The River

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Message  CC Rider Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:07

Mouais... La petite balle jaune - Page 29 180154684 
CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
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Message  outlawpedro Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:47

CC Rider a écrit:Mouais... La petite balle jaune - Page 29 180154684 

Pour les jambes de la demoiselle ou pour la chaleur ?  Smile 

Messages : 2846
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 66
Album préféré : Darkness On The Edge Of Town

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Message  CC Rider Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:48

pour la photo...
CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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Message  phil Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:52

CC Rider a écrit:pour la photo...

explique un peu qu'on rigole  bounce 

Messages : 2942
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 55
Localisation : 71
Album préféré : The River

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La petite balle jaune - Page 29 Empty Re: La petite balle jaune

Message  CC Rider Lun 20 Jan 2014 - 15:58

La photo est (très) vulgaire je trouve. La petite balle jaune - Page 29 180154684 

Maintenant "on" peut rigoler si tu veux. La petite balle jaune - Page 29 3641590030 
CC Rider
CC Rider

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Date d'inscription : 14/06/2011
Age : 103

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